
Black-headed Gull

Another Gull, I've been learning a lot about Gull's behaviour since I started shooting them, altough a bit more about the Larus Michaellis. I'll post some shots later on.

For this one I used the Canon 5D2 + Canon 180 macro. Yep, the AF works very well!


Help saving the Mountain Gorilla

Hi everyone!

This year, 2009, is the Year of the Gorilla. The Mountain Gorilla living in the Virunga Mountains of Rwanda is one of the most threatened species of our times.

No one wants this wonderful ape to disappear from our planet, and the good news is that we all can help to save this primate.

Andy Rouse, one of the top world wildlife photographers has a limited edition print of a family of Mountain Gorillas. The profits from the sale will be 100% donated directly to gorilla conservation projects.

Take a minute of your time, and feel happy for helping such a good cause.



F1 Montmelo - March 2009 (part II)

Here are the final 6 photos, I hope you enjoy them.

Same setting as the previous post.