
Carpet Lady

Taken in Alfama, in a warm October morning.

Canon 5D2 + Canon 17-40


Alfama Colors

Taken at Alfama, one of the most traditional neighbourhoods in Lisbon.

A special thanks to António Sá, Nomad, and all the friends that shared that wonderful weekend together =)

Canon 5D2 + Canon 85 1.8


Roast Pig

I had some of this, and I can assure you it tasted great!

Canon 5D2 + Canon 85 1.8


Making Bread

Here's a shot of a woman crafted in the art of making bread. I must confess I didn't eat any, but ate a sausage on the grill that was amazing!

Canon 5D2 + Canon 85 1.8


Porto de Barcas Sunset

Another sunset from Porto de Barcas - Lourinhã.

Hope you enjoy it =)

Canon 5D2 + Canon 17-40


Barcelona Calendar for Sale

Hi everyone!

My 2010 calendar starring some of my favourite photos from Barcelona is now on sale!

Click on the image to buy it.