

I was driving around Sintra on the last day of 2009 when I found a small place to park my car. To my enjoyment I heard a waterfall near by. It was close to darkness and I couldn't see much when I took this shot, but I guess it was worth it.

Can0n 5D2 + Canon 17-40 + Circular Polarizer

21 mm, 30 s, f14, iso 50

Click to enlarge.

1 comment:

  1. Ruben, beautiful pics, especially this one. Congratulations!

    I thought you used here a ND filter as well. Didn't you used it?

    I'd love it if you visited my flickr, where I expose some of my photos today: LeoHN. There're pictures, so to speak, struggling (I still photographer with a compact cam) but I dedicate a lot because I love the art.
    I hope you enjoy.

    I dream to get a decente equipment one day, and, who knows, get work as a photographer/videographer at NatGeo, BBCNature, Discovery and so on...


    I follow you on Twitter and was from there that I came to visit your blog.

    No more words, just keep shooting!
